The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment collaborates with the University of Valladolid in the improvement of fertilization efficiency, through a Collaboration Agreement signed between both entities. This agreement includes scheduled tests to evaluate the behavior of more frequently fertilizer spreaders in the distribution of solid fertilizers.

To this end, trials have been started with up to twenty models of fertilizer spreaders, half of them made in Spain and others from other European countries. Similarly, the main manufacturers or marketers of fertilizers in Spain – Fertiberia, Ferticcyl, Mirat, Tessenderlo, UBE and Yara – have supplied freely their products to the testing station, in order to improve their distribution.

The tests are being carried out in the Test Station for the Characterization of Fertilizers and Seed Drills (EECAS), located at the Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering of Palencia.

[ Vídeo grabado en la Estación ]