Ofertas en la Universidad de Atenas

Nos envían esta información por si alguien está interesado en desplazarse a Atenas: Dear colleagues,  Please find attached placement offers from 6 different department laboratories of the Agricultural University of Athens. 1.Laboratory of Microbiology and Biotechnology of Foods (2 positions) 2.Laboratory of Parasitology (1 position) 3.Phytopathology Department (2 positions) 4.Laboratory of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture  (2 positions) 5.Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biometry (2 positions) 6.Laboratory of Dairy Research (2 positions offered)  Interested students should contact directly the responsible professors of the laboratories.  Kind regards,  Elina Εlina Mavrogiorgou IKY/Hellenic NA  LLP-ERASMUS Project [...]