Some interesting links about Palencia and its surroundings.
City Hall of Palencia
- Tourism in the City: this link to the City Hall offers information about touristic places in Palencia, along with soon coming cultural activities. Don´t miss to visit the Cathedral, San Miguel Tower, Cristo del Otero and have a walk across Main Street.
Diputación of Palencia
- Province Agenda: the Province of Palencia also organizes various cultural activities, many of them aimed at the young public. In the previous link you will find the agenda with the next organized activities. Also in the tourism web of the Diputación (see below) you can find routes, places of interest and a complete description of the tourist options of a province rich in Romanesque, landscape and cuisine.
- Tourism in the Province
Institutos universitarios y centros tecnológicos
- Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Gestión Forestal Sostenible – iuFOR
- Centro Tecnológico Agrario y Alimentario – ITAGRA
- Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Cereales de Castilla y León – CETECE