Os hacemos llegar el siguiente mensaje de IUFRO sobre un programa de becas que han puesto recientemente en marcha. Si tenéis candidatos apropiados, la Escuela estará encantada de canalizar las solicitudes.

“The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) and the European Forest Institute (EFI) have recently launched the IUFRO-EFI Young Scientists Initiative (YSI). The purpose of which is to offer the opportunity of a short scientific visit (SSV) for five young scientists from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The initiative is offering five grants of EUR 5 000 per annum to fund scientists of 35 years or younger who hold a MSc or PhD in a forestry related field and are currently working at a relevant organisation, such as your School. The SSV will last approximately three months and should yield something of scientific value, as well as benefits to the young scientist and his/her associated organisation.

IUFRO ask for your support in helping them identify suitable candidates. If there are any talented young researchers working in your organisation who would be interested they would appreciate encouragement in submitting applications.”

More info at IUFRO web page: https://www.iufro.org/SCIENCE/SPECIAL/SPDC/YSI/